Tuesday 19 November 2019


solar system

The Solar

Each year the earth orbits around the sun, the sun is also a massive star that looks like a planet but it isn’t a planet 
The sun shines on the moon and that's what we can see if it isn’t shining on the moon it means it's not going to be sunny. 
The moon goes around the earth every 28 days, so there is a new moon every 28 days
You can see the moon in many shapes like the full moon were we see the whole moon 

Here are some proven facts 

To act as a thermal control to protect the astronauts most of the exterior of the lunar module was covered in protective multi-layer insulation foil 

The lunar module didn’t have to worry about being aerodynamic operated in the near vacuum of space present on the moon. They didn’t need to consider the force of gravity. Instead it was made boxy and chunky looking 

The interior of the lunar module was designed to be operated by two astronauts standing up. They had to remove the sets to make the craft lighter 

The lunar module had four splayed-out- shock- absorbing legs ending in bowl-shaped pads.

One of the most important features on top of the lunar module was the rendezvous radar antenna. The radar provided the gidune system to attach the lunar module back to the CSM module

Tuesday 22 October 2019

Amazing race

 Amazing race -Storm 
The Amazing race took place at Greymouth highschool on Wednesday the 16th of October some of the year 12s invited our room 2 and some of room 4 to come over and play the amazing race with them there were 10 groups of 4 and our groups were named after countries around the world our team was brazil our team leader was Bethany and the other people in our group was John,Charlotte and Jai t. Our school was very lucky to go to high school and play the amazing race the year 12’s did a great job of running it by themselves. My favorite games were Europe's soccer game all you had to do was kick a ball at something from Europe and you got a point our group won that game. Also, I really enjoyed the Japanise game when you had to pick a lollie up with chopsticks and run around the obstacle course, The Haka game was a really challenging game but our group also won that one. The Africa game when you had a bowel on you’re head with some fruit in it was also a very tough game but our group finished it there were some other games that were also very fun. Out of all of them, Japans game was the funniest by far. The team leaders were really friendly and nice to all of us and they did a really good job running it.

Also here’s our chant Brazil is the best put us to the test Brazil on 3 1 2 3 BRAZIL!!!

Thursday 12 September 2019


  Today we made Agamorgraphs we coloured in some lines and the other lines we added patterns then we folded it and put it on a piece of cardboard I really liked making Agamorgraphs.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Duffy Books

These are my books I got this term they are 
D-Day by Bryan Perrett 
Lost in the antarctic By Tod Olson 
I really like these books because they are about the war and the antarctic those are some topics i really like reading about. Something that is also cool is that D-Day came with a Campass key chain 

We are lucky to have Duffy books in our school, We are lucky that we get to chose from a  variety of books so we can get what we like we get books each term and sometimes a special guest comes to talk to our school about what they do and they give us our books. Duffy books in homes was founded in 1994 and to this day they are still giving books to children to this day. 

Our school is proud to be a Duffy school I love the idea of giving books to children in schools so they can read at home. 

Wednesday 14 August 2019

Jake Bailey

Jake bailey came to our school and talked to us about his journey with cancer i found his speech very moving and helpful his advice was very good 

Wednesday 19 June 2019

Wednesday 13 March 2019

Thursday 14 February 2019

Storm Pepeha

We are learning to write a Pepeha,It's about family and where i'm from 

Wednesday 6 February 2019

Romero Britto By Storm

Write 4 things you learnt about him What make him special

1. I learnt he is a great artist

2.He has one child

3.He can make sculptures

4.He has a wife

How does his art work make you feel

It makes me feel happy with all the colors all and all an amazing artist

Romero Britto is an amazing Artist he Combines elements of cubism, pop art and graffiti painting in his work. He Was born In Recife Brazil,He has one child Called Brendan Britto his wife is Cheryl Britto. He is fifty five years old he currently lives in Miami Florida,He Always wanted to make people happy.I love how he uses bright and colorful colors,I’d say he’s one of my favourite artists.

That is my version of Romreo Britto's Art
Here is my Brand 
How would you describe your brand?
Joyful happy
How would you describe you?
Sporty,happy and adventurous

What words describe your moods? Your attitudes?
Happy sad angry moody
What are the good bits? The bad bits?
Bad bit,I can get a bit silly and in the wrong mood sometimes
Good bit, can be a really good friend and be a good person
What words describe you on your best day? Your worst day?
Worst day was when i had to move from the north island
Best day was when i was in Raglan with nana and poppa
When you are happy? Energised? (choose 3 words)
At the beach
Doing athletics
When you are tired? Stressed? Angry? Frustrated? (choose 3 words)
When i move my room around and my bed doesn’t move
When im sick :(
When i don’t get Subway :(

Write a couple of sentences that describe your looks.
I have blonde hair,Blue eyes and i’m tall

NOW write a description of yourself.
I’m pretty good at sports animals are cool i’m very adventurous and tall

  • represent yourself by writing ‘A Brand’ description of yourself
  • Investigate pen use
  • Explore the shape and form of the head draw and colour a self portrait.