Thursday 12 September 2019


  Today we made Agamorgraphs we coloured in some lines and the other lines we added patterns then we folded it and put it on a piece of cardboard I really liked making Agamorgraphs.

Wednesday 11 September 2019

Duffy Books

These are my books I got this term they are 
D-Day by Bryan Perrett 
Lost in the antarctic By Tod Olson 
I really like these books because they are about the war and the antarctic those are some topics i really like reading about. Something that is also cool is that D-Day came with a Campass key chain 

We are lucky to have Duffy books in our school, We are lucky that we get to chose from a  variety of books so we can get what we like we get books each term and sometimes a special guest comes to talk to our school about what they do and they give us our books. Duffy books in homes was founded in 1994 and to this day they are still giving books to children to this day. 

Our school is proud to be a Duffy school I love the idea of giving books to children in schools so they can read at home. 